Legal notice

The domain: is owned by the company RESTAURANT URBISOL SL, with CIF B-08411233. Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, Sheet 75599, Folio 47, Volume 24,514, Book 2123, Sec.3a. The company’s registered office is located at Ctra. de Manresa a Vic N-141C, km 20, 08279 Calders (Barcelona). You can also contact us at Tel. +34 93 830 91 53, Fax +34 93 830 93 16, or email:

Intellectual Property:

The entire content of this website is protected by industrial and intellectual property rights that users of this website must respect. Reproduction, except for private use, communication, or distribution of the materials included on this website without the express authorization of RESTAURANT URBISOL SL is prohibited.

Responsibility for Links:

RESTAURANT URBISOL SL includes a series of links to pages of its clients and suppliers on its website, solely with the intention of advertising the work carried out on their behalf. RESTAURANT URBISOL SL is not responsible for the commercial information contained on these sites or for any of the services or practices associated with the linked websites.

Data Protection:

In accordance with Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), we inform you that your personal data will be incorporated into files owned by RESTAURANT URBISOL SL for the purpose of adequately addressing your information requests and preparing any budgets you may request. To exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition as outlined by the Law, you may send a letter to Ctra. de Manresa a Vic N-141C, km 20, 08279 Calders (Barcelona), Ref. Data Protection.

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